Chassis Drives

Brand: Baldor-Reliance

A chassis mount, adjustable speed DC Drive for motors between 1/100-3/4 Horsepower. 

The speed control is designed for 90 VDC PM & Shunt motors. Speed range can be 50: 1 along with load regulation involving 1%. 

Features include: AC Line blend and Armature Join holder, Auto Inhibit®, Voltage Subsequent, MOV transient defense, 5K speed pot and trimpot corrections for Min, Utmost, Accel, Decel, IR along with CL. 

Includes Auxiliary heat sink, Barrier Terminal Mother board, RFI/EMI filters along with Signal Isolation (model SI-6).
  • Adjustable accel, decel, current limit, IR comp, min and max speed
  • Current limit indicating LED
  • 5K speed pot
  • Anti-demag circuit
  • Noise rejection circuit
  • Signal Isolator
  • Heatsink factory installed

  • Conveyors
  • Packaging Machinery
  • Pumps
  • Mixers
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